22 November 2019

elevenM’s submission to Australia’s 2020 Cyber Security Strategy

As a passionately Australian company, elevenM is emotionally invested in the safety and prosperity of this country. We recognise that national progress will increasingly depend on our collective ability to answer the significant challenges of the cyber domain.

That’s why we  were excited to lend our voice to the development of Australia’s 2020 Cyber Security Strategy, by responding to the Australian Government’s call for views.

Our contribution, which we submitted earlier this month, highlights areas we feel we should be collectively taking a closer look at. These include:

  • Taking a national approach to managing supply chain risks
  • Engaging cyber security service providers in national cyber security initiatives
  • A sharper focus on attracting and developing strategic, executive-level cyber security talent, and
  • A stronger national voice on cyber security, privacy and data issues

Our submission, and these recommendations, draw on our direct experience as cyber security and privacy practitioners. In working with prominent Australian businesses and government agencies on their digital risk challenges, we’ve observed both emerging challenges for individual businesses as well system-wide issues and patterns.

We hope our submission will be a constructive contribution to the development of the Australia’s 2020 Cyber Security Strategy.

Click here to read our full submission.