News round-up July 2020 — European court decision on international data transfers, software vulnerabilities, and more

This month saw some big plays in the world of privacy – most notably the striking down by a European Court of a mechanism for international data transfers. We look at the implications for Australia organisations coming out of the judgement. This month we’re also reminded of the inherent vulnerability of software via stories about backdoors in Chinese tax software, a flood of critical patches released for popular enterprise software products and, of course, more yarns about ransomware.

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End of year wrap

The year started with a meltdown. Literally. New Year’s Eve hangovers had barely cleared when security researchers announced they had discovered security flaws that would impact “virtually every user of

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You get an Aadhaar! You get an Aadhaar! Everybody gets an Aadhaar!

“When you’re building a digital identity system for a billion people, you’re sure to have to answer some questions. For example, “Is this even legal?”. The Supreme Court of India has ruled that India’s ‘Aadhaar’ digital ID is constitutionally valid… more or less. We talk about what this ruling means for India, and what Australia can learn from it”.

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